Awe & inspiration

I’m gifted with friends who occasionally pass along a suggested video or podcast that almost instantly changes my perception. I’m very grateful for these!

I’d like to share a recommendation from my dear friend, Eliza: To Be In Awe—WISDOM from a 96-year-old. This film features Dot Fisher-Smith, an elder from Ashland, Oregon. She's invited to speak about her life today, and I think she does this with a great deal of beauty, calm, and awe.

By going slow and embracing each element of the world around her—even the compost pile!—she sees how we are all the same, yet at the same time unique.

It’s a lovely story I think you will enjoy. My invitation to you is that as you watch the film you imagine it’s your 96-year-old self talking with you. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts about it.

Warmly, ~ Denise