Do any of these situations seem
familiar to you?

Are you needing the skills to navigate some of life's stresses as described below?

Photo credit Kees and Joanne Diepenheim

Photo credit Kees and Joanne Diepenheim



If you live with another person, conflict probably happens, and you feel bad about it. Down deep you want understanding and harmony instead of blame, resentment, and disconnection. But how do you do that?


All your life you’ve loved helping other people. You’ve happily put your needs second to theirs. Now you’re noticing that the less attention your needs get, the more tired, overwhelmed, and resentful you feel. You know this isn’t who you want to be, but you’re not sure how to balance helping others while caring for yourself.


You’ve been friends for a long time. Recently you’ve noticed that you get really irritated with the way he talks about certain groups of people. You want to say something, but you’re afraid to because you don’t want to ruin the friendship.


At Work

You are teamed up with a colleague to work on a big project.  At first you look forward to collaborating.  Then deadlines come and go and communication breaks down.  How do you get back on track?



The whole business of parenting teens is a mystery. You want them to be safe and to enjoy family times—and they so much want to be in charge of themselves and be independent. When these wishes don’t match, you get conflict rather than the loving connection you are hoping for.


Compassionate Communication is for:

  • Individuals who want to speak with integrity and listen without taking it personally

  • Couples who are just starting out and want to establish healthy communication skills and couples who want to improve and deepen their connection

  • Co-workers, supervisors, clients and customers—in health care, education, social services, industry, nonprofit organizations and other workplaces

  • Those who love and care for children and want to teach them compassion, kindness, and understanding

  • Adults who care for elders and others in need of additional support who want patience and respect in those relationships

  • People who want to support their friendships with love and care even through life’s bumpy moments

  • Individuals who want to learn how to be kind to themselves

If this feels like it may be a fit for you, then you may be wondering How It Works.