Several weeks ago, I ran into a YouTube video from Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat Pray Love. In this video, she invited viewers to join her in her practice of writing letters to Love. I decided to try this. Here is one of my letters and Love’s response.
Dear Love,
Please tell me about my daughter and about being sad.
Yes, of course, dear one.
You can cry. I’m here. You can cry and feel safe. And after, you can laugh and grow calm and be strong. You can allow that what is difficult now is only part of the bigger picture.
The tears are free—cry them at will but don’t worry over them. Also, don’t worry about your daughter. She will find her way, just like you did. Trust that she will know.
You are so beautiful—do you remember? Nothing has changed. Nothing that RA might take from you will change how beautiful you are.
When my emotions and thoughts become tangled, there’s so much confusion. I need to be heard and understood but I can’t even put more than a couple of words together to tell someone what I need.
When I wrote to Love I didn’t know what Love would say. I just hoped for some relief. I received that and more. I felt heard and deeply understood. I felt reassured and safe—comforted. There were many needs met, and even now, as I read it once more, I’m again comforted by Love’s words. They help me breathe.