I would like to share a poem with you. It’s called “Peace is This Moment Without Judgment,” by Dorothy Hunt.
Do you think peace requires an end to war?
Or tigers eating only vegetables?
Does peace require an absence from
your boss, your spouse, yourself? …
Do you think peace will come some other place than here?
Some other time than Now?
In some other heart than yours?
Peace is this moment without judgment.
That is all. This moment in the Heart-space
where everything that is is welcome.
Peace is this moment without thinking
that it should be some other way,
that you should feel some other thing,
that your life should unfold according to your plans.
Peace is this moment without judgment,
this moment in the heart-space where
everything that is is welcome.
I want to have this kind of heart-space so I did something not ordinarily done in our culture. I made a vow. I vowed to end my suffering and to aid all others in ending theirs. My study in Compassionate Communication is a big part of this vow because I know from my own experience that the more skilled I am at noticing what’s going on with me, the more I learn how my judgmental thinking and habits have caused me to suffer. Knowing this I can let go and in letting go I am free.
Why make a vow? If there is one thing I’m absolutely clear about it’s this: I do not want to contribute to the violence of our times. I want to practice peace. Making a vow is my way to be absolutely clear about the direction I want my life to take. I also chose to make this vow because I want kindness, understanding, and inclusion and I want it for all of us. For you, for me, for the air and water, plants and animals, for everything and everyone here on this dear planet. Although I’m sure this will take many more lifetimes to achieve, I am certain that for each moment I am able to free myself from a need to control or some negative commentary, my family, my friends and my community also become a little bit freer—at the very least free of experiencing these things with me.
Are you wanting peace too? Would you be willing to create your own Season of Nonviolence through an intentional peaceful practice? How would you start? How can we help?
~ Denise