I am honored to teach Communicating for Life classes at Deer Ridge Correctional Institution (DRCI) and have needs met for connection, learning, contribution, fun, and more at each class. Your donations make these classes possible so I want to pass along a few of the men’s appreciations to you for the difference you make in their lives.
I want to say thank you for sharing NVC skills and caring so that I can be a better father, brother, son, and friend to others. This is one of the best gifts I have ever received and most useful for my life. Being in touch with my feelings and needs and being aware of others’ feeling and needs will hopefully bring more happiness to our lives.
Hi, my name is Chris and I want to thank you all so so much for this opportunity to do NVC. This has given me a gift that I will use for the rest of my life. It has given me a closeness to my wife and kids as well as to my life and the people I come in contact with. … Thank you!!!
With deep gratitude from many more participants—and from me,
~ Bryn